Gundam Battle Operation Wiki
6688 - flag gundam sieg zeon zeon

Zeon's Melee roster is rather impressive, with multiple choices in play style, armor, and speed available to anyone wanting a Melee mobil suit. Of note is their special event mobile suits the Efreet Kai and Gyan, which together have some of the strongest melee abilities in the game at this point. Zeon's General Purpose line is also a varied assortment, from high speed Dom type MS, to a variety of Zaku's and Gelgoogs. The Zudah is of special note as one of the least expensive units in game, with an incredibly high thruster rating, and access to the Zaku Bazooka, as well as the powerful Sturm Faust. Zeons Support line is hit or miss. Though it has less options than the Federations roster, it does contain some very powerful long range mobile suits such as the Gelgoog Cannon and the versatile Gelgoog Ground Type. 

Moblie Suits[]

EN Name JP Name Role Notes
Zaku I ザク I Melee
Zaku I Sniper ザクⅠ・スナイパータイプ Support
Zaku I Sniper Commander Type Support
Zaku II ザクⅡ General Purpose
Zaku II S ザクⅡS型 General Purpose
Zaku II FS (Garma Custom) ザクⅡFS  Melee
Zaku II FS (Shin Matsunaga Custom) Melee Purchase Code Redeemable
Zaku II (Heavy Combat) ザクⅡ(重装備仕様) Support
Zaku Tank (Shelling Specification) ザクタンク(砲撃仕様) Support
Zaku Cannon ザク・キャノン Support
Zaku Cannon Rabit Ear Type Support Event Suit
Zaku II Kai ザク II 改 General Purpose
Zaku II Kai (B Type) ザク II 改(Bタイプ) General Purpose
Gouf グフ Melee
Gouf Custom グフ 。 クスタム Melee Event Suit
Dom ドム General Purpose
Dom Heavy Combat General Purpose
Dom Tropen General Purpose
Dowadge General Purpose

General Purpose

Event Suit
Efreet General Purpose
Efreet Kai Melee Event Suit
Zudah General Purpose Event Suit
Acguy Melee Event Suit
Z'Gok Melee
Z'Gok E Melee
Ram Z'Gok Melee
Mass-Production Gelgoog General Purpose
Gelgoog Commander Type General Purpose
Gelgoog Ground Type Support
Gelgoog Cannon Support
Gyan Melee Event Suit
Blue Destiny Unit 2 General Purpose Event Suit
Zaku Desert Type General Purpose
Action Zaku General Purpose Event Suit
Gundam GP02 "Physalis" General Purpose Event Suit
Gelgoog Marine Melee
Zogok General Purpose
Galbaldy α General Purpose Event Suit
GM Camouf General Purpose
Gelgoog Marine Commander Type Support


